Rules For Participating The Events & Paper Presentation

Paper Presentations

• Maximum Of 2 Members Per paper

• Last Date Of Paper Submissions 25th Oct 2012
( include Hard and Soft Copy) through Email

• Intimation Of Selected Papers Anounced Though Email and Website

• Participan Bring Two Hard Copies of theris Paper

• Paper Presentation time 5 minutes and Interaction Time – 2 minuts

Other Events

Preliminary Exam should open to all participants.

• Two members are alloted for a team except CADD contest.
• Preliminary Round wil be conducted in written formate.

Top 20 Participants will proced to the finals.

• For Tech Quiz Only,20 teams will proceed to the final


About author

I am Manikadan doing (B.E Final Year Civil) in SSIET.


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